Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goodbye 2009, Hello 2010!!

What I have achieved in a decade

1) Jan 2000 - celebrated the millenium in London-Dublin_Paris

2) Apr 2000 - I've graduated with a BBA Degree in Computer Information System from Western Michigan University.. leaving the United States

3) May 2000 - Abang aku kawin!! yeay!! first in the family.. uhuuu...

4) July 2000 - Owned a car.. Proton Wira Sedan color putih.. JFT 615

5) Sep 2000 - Started my first as a programmer.. 3 months and I quit.. leaving the challenging city and back to my hometown.. helped my parents to setup a stall

6) Feb 2001 - Started a new job.. I've been introduced to the world of GIS... met a lot of amazing people.. people whom I called a great friends..

7) Sometime in 2002 - {Tak ingat bulan brapa dahh}.. My beloved En Ardi or En Shukry.. sent the rombongan meminang.. a very simple one.. only 1 car coming consisted of 4 or 5 people.. (Ibu, Mama, Abah, Mak Ngah n Anjang (?)).. no hantaran (like nowadays!).. was a very simple ceremony..

8) April 2003 - Makcik Kawin!! uhuuuu... to be exact 18 April 2003.. announcement of pregnancy with first child.. so excited!!

9) February 2004 - Nur Anisah came to our world..

10) March 2004 - Akak aku kawin pulak!! and first time aku gi mengundi... Undi ku tidak rahsia.. Allahu Akbar!!

11) April 2004 - My beloved atuk meninggal dunia di Brunei... sakit tua..

12) End of 2004 - Ayah sakit.. operated.. hospitalized.. confirmed Hepatitis B with Liver Cancer

13) February 2005 - EE kawin!!! yeay!! before that we had our picnic kat Sg Tekala kat hulu langat.. our last picnic with Ayah

14) April 2005 - Ayah meninggal.. sad moment for us.. date: 2nd April 2005

15) December 2005 - Amil Aizat came to our world..

16) April 2006 - meninggalkan UGISP setelah 5 tahun bersama.. sedih nye tinggalkan kawan2 yg ambil berat hal kita dan keluarga..

17) May 2006 - Did i make the wrong decision? Aiyoh... I entered a very not great working enviroment..

18) December 2006 - Ami kawin!! Alhamdulillah suma adik beradik sudah selamat!!

19) 2007 - Not a hip year for me.. as i was too busy with this stupid company work ethics.. but i still found some great friends over there..

20) December 2007 - Tendered resignation

21) February 2008 - Bye2 Navi & Map, Hello Intelli-Telematics Asia

22) May 2008 - 3rd pregnancy announcement!!

23) January 2009 - Nur Aqilah came to our world..

24) March 2009 - A very low down moment in my life.. went till the next 4-5 months.. alhamdulillah.. berkat doa dan usaha.. sumanye kembali ke biasa.. semoga tidak berulang kembali..

25) June 2009 - Aqilah admitted to hospital due to pneumonia.. I passed the CUTE test...

26) December 2009 - Attended a seminar session which have allowed me to visualize my dreams..

What I expected in the next decade

1) Embarked on a new journey

2) Work harder to achieve my dreams

3) My kids wll enter a second phase of their life journey.. school school school

4) Share the wealth and love

5) Menunaikan umrah bersama keluarga - plan nak bawak mak and mama

6) Hidup lebih diberkati.. Rezeki lebih dirahmati..

7) Qualified for all NSC program

8) Appreciate life the fillest

Till then.. welcome 2010!!