I am a proud mother of two. Both of them can really makes me happy, sad, angry and all sorts of feeling.
Nur Anisah
D.O.B: 5th February 2004 bersamaan 13 Zulhijjah 1424 (EDD: 3rd February 2004)
P.O.B: Hospital Putrajaya at 10:16am (in labor since 7.25am)
Weight: 3.08kg Length: 48cm Head: 33cm
Admitted: Due to lack of Air Ketuban
Moments to remember: Bila dia wat incision, I still can heard the sound of the knife. Sampai Ardi naik angin (kononnye).. I still think he wanted to faint.. hahaha.. Love you dear.. at the end my mom yg kena temankan until deliver
How the name arrive: Wanted a simple name. I read a book, like the name.
Makna nama: Nur - Cahaya, Anisah - mesra, penglipur
Breastfeeding Duration: Till Anisah was 1 1/2 year old
Amil Aizat
D.O.B: 27th December 2005 bersamaan 26 Zulkaedah 1426 (EDD: 10th January 2006)
P.O.B: Hospital Putrajaya at 1:02pm (in labor since 11.30am)
Weight: 2.82kg Length: 48cm Head: 32cm
Admitted: Contraction since 3am
Moments to remember: Dah contraction pun ingat takde apa.. ingat Braxton Hicks.. so still drive to work.. until dah kena bising ngan suma orang.. baru decide gi klinik untuk check.. rupa2 nya dah 6cm dah.. hahaha.. oo before gi klinik sempat dulu order Milo Ais and makan mihun goreng.. Then EE rushed me to the hospital before picked up Ardi at Canon
How the name arrive: Again wanted a simple name. Actually nak single name saja but have the same dream few times and bila bangun je the same name popped up
Makna nama: Amil - pekerjaan, Aizat - kemuliaan, ketinggian
Breastfeeding Duration: Till Amil was 1 year and 9 months old
Ada lagi nak tambah.. tapi tak leh nak ingat laaa..
Whatever I write here is my own expression. The language I used may not be comfortable to some people. But I am trying to tell what I feel. I am trying to be a non-hypocrite person. So if you don't like it, it is up to you. But I will continue write as how I prefer. Anyway Thank you for reading.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Counting the days
The days are getting nearer. My ETA is on 8th January 2009. Somehow for this pregnancy, my anxiety a bit stronger. Perhaps because the baby is big (it was 2.7kg at 35 weeks) or perhaps it just my psychology feeling.
It has been 3 days and 4 nights without the kids. I send them to balik kampung with Mak and EE. Yes, that includes my manja boy, Amil. He was crying really hard when Ardi forced him to the EE's car. Sian anak mummy. Tapi kena lar blajar. To my relieve, both of them are doing okay in JB. They'll be back today and I'll pick them tomorrow afternoon at Sepang.
It has also been 3 days and 3 nights without hubby. Ardi is in Kerteh now. He will only be back tomorrow. I will pick him up at the airport after my appointment.
It's kind of bored they are not around. So yesterday I took an EL (heheh) claiming got headache which I frequently have to spend a day to myself. So sempat lar gi bank, buat facial, buat hair treatment, balik tido and gi pasar malam.
Things that happened to me with this pregnancy
1) Very bad first trimester - diarrhea, gastric, bad vomiting, nausea, not able to eat, headache - cause less energetic
2) Love to eat fish, unable to eat most vegetables except raw vege, chicken meat depends
3) Very very tired (very subjective but really tired compared to the earlier two)
4) Third trimester - after sit then stand and walk - the lower body part feel very painful - dr said this is due to baby pressure
5) Seem to eat vitamin a bit less
6) Uncontrollable anger especially towards Anisah and Amil
So far ni je yg terpikir..
The only thing I need to do is to put the bags in the car.
Got this from a website..
Tanda-tanda Hampir Bersalin
1) Bayi turun ke bawah
Perut menjadi ringan sekitar dua minggu sebelum kelahiran kerana kepala bayi sudah pun 'turun' ke dalam kawasan rangka tulang pelvis. Anda mungkin terasa:
* sakit di bahagian kelangkang kerana bayi menekan.
* kerap membuang air kecil semasa ini kerana bayi menekan pundi kencing
* sakit perut, memulas
* kerap buang air besar
* kerap terkentut
2) Keluar lendir pekat atau keluar darah bercampur lendir
* Lendir pekat seperti gam lekang dari laluan pintu rahim apabila pintu rahim mula menipis.
* Lendir bercampur darah pula keluar apabila pintu rahim mula membuka. Boleh berlaku beberapa jam atau beberapa hari sebelum bersalin. Segera ke hospital.
3) Sakit belakang
* Bayi beralih dan menekan tulang belakang anda.
* Untuk mengurangkan sakit belakang anda, posisikan diri anda seperti merangkak (tapi jangan merangkak ke depan!), dan angkat atau tinggikan badan anda ke atas, tunggu kiraan 5 dan rehatkan badan anda. Ulangi lagi.
* Anda juga boleh mengurangkannya dengan banyakkan berjalan. Ia juga akan mempercepatkan kelahiran anda.
* Jika sukar untuk anda berjalan, minta suami anda urut belakang anda dengan kuat semasa anda berbaring mengiring.
4) Pecah air ketuban
Air ini biasanya keluar dengan banyak dari vagina. Warnanya jernih, tanpa bau. Segera ke hospital.
{mosimage}Pintu pangkal rahim terbuka dan menipis
Doktor akan melakukan pemeriksaan vagina. Pembukaan di bahagian pangkal rahim atau servik dikesan dengan skala 1 hingga 10.
5) Kontraksi yang tetap dan berterusan
Kira kontraksi atau pengecutan otot rahim anda. Buat jadual. Baca seterusnya di artikel "Kontraksi, Kelahiran Sebenar atau Palsu"
Bila Perlu ke Hospital
Segera ke Hospital untuk kepastian doktor bila:
* kontraksi 5 minit sekali selama 1 jam. (datang lebih cepat jika anda tinggal jauh. Anda pasti tak mahu bersalin dalam kereta. :-) )
* keluar air ketuban.
* pergerakan bayi menjadi kurang kerap.
* keluar darah dari vagina.
* apa saja masalah yang dialami.
It has been 3 days and 4 nights without the kids. I send them to balik kampung with Mak and EE. Yes, that includes my manja boy, Amil. He was crying really hard when Ardi forced him to the EE's car. Sian anak mummy. Tapi kena lar blajar. To my relieve, both of them are doing okay in JB. They'll be back today and I'll pick them tomorrow afternoon at Sepang.
It has also been 3 days and 3 nights without hubby. Ardi is in Kerteh now. He will only be back tomorrow. I will pick him up at the airport after my appointment.
It's kind of bored they are not around. So yesterday I took an EL (heheh) claiming got headache which I frequently have to spend a day to myself. So sempat lar gi bank, buat facial, buat hair treatment, balik tido and gi pasar malam.
Things that happened to me with this pregnancy
1) Very bad first trimester - diarrhea, gastric, bad vomiting, nausea, not able to eat, headache - cause less energetic
2) Love to eat fish, unable to eat most vegetables except raw vege, chicken meat depends
3) Very very tired (very subjective but really tired compared to the earlier two)
4) Third trimester - after sit then stand and walk - the lower body part feel very painful - dr said this is due to baby pressure
5) Seem to eat vitamin a bit less
6) Uncontrollable anger especially towards Anisah and Amil
So far ni je yg terpikir..
The only thing I need to do is to put the bags in the car.
Got this from a website..
Tanda-tanda Hampir Bersalin
1) Bayi turun ke bawah
Perut menjadi ringan sekitar dua minggu sebelum kelahiran kerana kepala bayi sudah pun 'turun' ke dalam kawasan rangka tulang pelvis. Anda mungkin terasa:
* sakit di bahagian kelangkang kerana bayi menekan.
* kerap membuang air kecil semasa ini kerana bayi menekan pundi kencing
* sakit perut, memulas
* kerap buang air besar
* kerap terkentut
2) Keluar lendir pekat atau keluar darah bercampur lendir
* Lendir pekat seperti gam lekang dari laluan pintu rahim apabila pintu rahim mula menipis.
* Lendir bercampur darah pula keluar apabila pintu rahim mula membuka. Boleh berlaku beberapa jam atau beberapa hari sebelum bersalin. Segera ke hospital.
3) Sakit belakang
* Bayi beralih dan menekan tulang belakang anda.
* Untuk mengurangkan sakit belakang anda, posisikan diri anda seperti merangkak (tapi jangan merangkak ke depan!), dan angkat atau tinggikan badan anda ke atas, tunggu kiraan 5 dan rehatkan badan anda. Ulangi lagi.
* Anda juga boleh mengurangkannya dengan banyakkan berjalan. Ia juga akan mempercepatkan kelahiran anda.
* Jika sukar untuk anda berjalan, minta suami anda urut belakang anda dengan kuat semasa anda berbaring mengiring.
4) Pecah air ketuban
Air ini biasanya keluar dengan banyak dari vagina. Warnanya jernih, tanpa bau. Segera ke hospital.
{mosimage}Pintu pangkal rahim terbuka dan menipis
Doktor akan melakukan pemeriksaan vagina. Pembukaan di bahagian pangkal rahim atau servik dikesan dengan skala 1 hingga 10.
5) Kontraksi yang tetap dan berterusan
Kira kontraksi atau pengecutan otot rahim anda. Buat jadual. Baca seterusnya di artikel "Kontraksi, Kelahiran Sebenar atau Palsu"
Bila Perlu ke Hospital
Segera ke Hospital untuk kepastian doktor bila:
* kontraksi 5 minit sekali selama 1 jam. (datang lebih cepat jika anda tinggal jauh. Anda pasti tak mahu bersalin dalam kereta. :-) )
* keluar air ketuban.
* pergerakan bayi menjadi kurang kerap.
* keluar darah dari vagina.
* apa saja masalah yang dialami.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Being Kakak
Situation 1
Ardi was still in Miri. Anisah wanted to have roti canai for breakfast. Ask whether to eat at home or at kedai, she wanted to eat at the kedai. So we went to a nearby restaurant. Upon arriving, the driver's door stucked, couldn't be opened from the inside.
Mummy: Alamak kakak, camne ni? mummy tak leh kuar...
Anisah: hmm.. okey takpe2.. kakak keluar dulu.. kakak bukak dari luar ok? mummy tunggu jap ye..
[Anisah tried to open from outside but failed]
Anisah: Mummy tak boleh lar.. mummy keluar lar ikut blakang.. eh tak tak.. mummy ikut pintu sana ok.. boleh tak?
Mummy: mummy kan besar.. camna ni..
Anisah: Alaaa.. mummytry je lar..
Mummy: ok2 lar.. [And i tried to squeeze my big fat tummy to the other side of the front seat]
Anisah: haaa.. boleh pun.. iskk.. kenapa lar pintu ni kan...
Situation 2
After preparing the kids to go to nursery this morning
Anisah: Mummy.. jangan lupa bawak phone tu..
Mummy: ye ada ni..
Ardi was still in Miri. Anisah wanted to have roti canai for breakfast. Ask whether to eat at home or at kedai, she wanted to eat at the kedai. So we went to a nearby restaurant. Upon arriving, the driver's door stucked, couldn't be opened from the inside.
Mummy: Alamak kakak, camne ni? mummy tak leh kuar...
Anisah: hmm.. okey takpe2.. kakak keluar dulu.. kakak bukak dari luar ok? mummy tunggu jap ye..
[Anisah tried to open from outside but failed]
Anisah: Mummy tak boleh lar.. mummy keluar lar ikut blakang.. eh tak tak.. mummy ikut pintu sana ok.. boleh tak?
Mummy: mummy kan besar.. camna ni..
Anisah: Alaaa.. mummytry je lar..
Mummy: ok2 lar.. [And i tried to squeeze my big fat tummy to the other side of the front seat]
Anisah: haaa.. boleh pun.. iskk.. kenapa lar pintu ni kan...
Situation 2
After preparing the kids to go to nursery this morning
Anisah: Mummy.. jangan lupa bawak phone tu..
Mummy: ye ada ni..
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Recent Updates
a bit malas to blog.. some recent updates..
1) Lost my handphone - so sapa2 yg tak bagi lagi nomor henpon korang.. boleh lar tolong bagi ye.. YM atau email sebab nye ari Sabtu ni baru nak gi amik SIM card..
2) Amil got a haircut - very handsome now.. will post the pic later.. kalau ingat la..
3) As of today less than 30 days to welcome my new member of the family - on the preparation all done except menyediakan barang keperluan sendiri untuk ke spital and also barang2 untuk balik JB
4) Kena siapkan hand over notes before nak gi for 'long' awaited vacation
5) Ardi is in Miri trip pulak till this weekend... and have another one to Kerteh before Christmas - I was thinking to ask him to hold that trip sebab terasa cam akan terkeluar cepat la plak yg dalam ni...
6) Amil baru baik demam
7) Selamat Hari Raya Haji to all..
1) Lost my handphone - so sapa2 yg tak bagi lagi nomor henpon korang.. boleh lar tolong bagi ye.. YM atau email sebab nye ari Sabtu ni baru nak gi amik SIM card..
2) Amil got a haircut - very handsome now.. will post the pic later.. kalau ingat la..
3) As of today less than 30 days to welcome my new member of the family - on the preparation all done except menyediakan barang keperluan sendiri untuk ke spital and also barang2 untuk balik JB
4) Kena siapkan hand over notes before nak gi for 'long' awaited vacation
5) Ardi is in Miri trip pulak till this weekend... and have another one to Kerteh before Christmas - I was thinking to ask him to hold that trip sebab terasa cam akan terkeluar cepat la plak yg dalam ni...
6) Amil baru baik demam
7) Selamat Hari Raya Haji to all..
Friday, November 21, 2008
Not Prepared Yet!
OK.. i have less than 50 days to deliver our third child.. but I haven't done much yet...
1) Baby clothes
- checked the old one.. have separated into two big piles.. but haven't washed the one that will be used
- haven't buy some new ones.. (takkan lar baby ni nak pakai yg lama nye je kan.. mestilar ada yg baru sepasang dua.. )
2) Toilettries for the babies
- haven't got anything yet...
- have to search to the website (yeah talking about experience huh!) on what to bring to the hospital on my labor day
3) Hospital Booking
- not done yet.. tapi dah decide nak pegi in 2 weeks time..
4) Stuff during confinement
- still not there... kena tunggu my mom balik.. got to ask her.. what's left at JB..
- not sure bengkung tu ada and ok lagi ke tak??
5) Other baby stuffs such as the mat (including playmate), kelambu, etc
- also have to wait for mak to come back.. forgot to ask her about this before dia gi brunei... now i go err.. panic.. not really lar..
6) Bag Packs to the hospital
- got the baby stuffs ready although still missing few things termasuk baju baru yg tak dibeli lagi..
- but my stuff.. langsung takde lagi.. maternity pad pun tak beli lagi..
what else??? hmm.. stakat ni.. ni je yg boleh ingat.. ohh yeah...
7) Checklist items to bring back to JB
- barang anisah and amil.. including books for anisah especially since she will miss her two months of schooling
- more baby stuff..
- my own stuff again
- baby monitor.. got to remind my sis on this...
Too many to think la..
1) Baby clothes
- checked the old one.. have separated into two big piles.. but haven't washed the one that will be used
- haven't buy some new ones.. (takkan lar baby ni nak pakai yg lama nye je kan.. mestilar ada yg baru sepasang dua.. )
2) Toilettries for the babies
- haven't got anything yet...
- have to search to the website (yeah talking about experience huh!) on what to bring to the hospital on my labor day
3) Hospital Booking
- not done yet.. tapi dah decide nak pegi in 2 weeks time..
4) Stuff during confinement
- still not there... kena tunggu my mom balik.. got to ask her.. what's left at JB..
- not sure bengkung tu ada and ok lagi ke tak??
5) Other baby stuffs such as the mat (including playmate), kelambu, etc
- also have to wait for mak to come back.. forgot to ask her about this before dia gi brunei... now i go err.. panic.. not really lar..
6) Bag Packs to the hospital
- got the baby stuffs ready although still missing few things termasuk baju baru yg tak dibeli lagi..
- but my stuff.. langsung takde lagi.. maternity pad pun tak beli lagi..
what else??? hmm.. stakat ni.. ni je yg boleh ingat.. ohh yeah...
7) Checklist items to bring back to JB
- barang anisah and amil.. including books for anisah especially since she will miss her two months of schooling
- more baby stuff..
- my own stuff again
- baby monitor.. got to remind my sis on this...
Too many to think la..
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
When he's not around
I don't feel good today. My body is aching, my nose is watery, my head is spinning. And he's not not around to comfort. Can't call him cause he's unreachable till Thursday.
Last nite.. while I was reciting the Quran...
Anisah: Mummy, kakak nak makan roti canai, boleh?
Mummy: Hmm.. okey tapi lepas mummy ngaji and sembahyang ok?
Anisah: Kakak nak roti canai ngan apa tu.. kuah tu.. kuah kari kan..
Mummy: OK. ngan kuah dalca ke?
Anisah: Bukan.. alaaa kuah yang kacang tu..
Mummy: Haaaa.. yelaaaaa...
After Solat Isya', I brought the kids to the nearby Mamak's Restaurant
Anisah: Kalau daddy takde.. kita makan kat kedai laaa.. kalau daddy ada.. makan kat umah je...
Mummy: OK la.. (as what I intend also)
Di Kedai
Mummy: Roti Kosong 2, air nak apa kak?
Anisah: Eh nak roti canai lar mummy..
Mummy: Roti Kosong tu roti canai laaa..
Anisah: ooooo.. ok.. nak milo ais satu.. mummy nak apa??
Mummy: OK.. milo ais 2, tosai 1
At the restaurant, kakak and adik were busy spying on the cat while waiting for the foods. When the food arrived, they washed their hand and started to eat. Surprisingly both of the were behaving very good despite Daddy's not around. And Mummy have no trouble to control them like always. And the restaurant switched on to Star Movie and it was Mutant-X (i think lar sebab kenal hero je) on TV. And while ate, their stucked to the TV. So pretty peaceful night for me. And they both finished their food and drinks with mummy silently helping them. Sebab Amil marah aku amik dianye roti canai.
But I am very tired today due to my sicknes. This morning I was contemplating nak gi kerja ke tak.. but decide to go sebab baru je amik MC tipu 10 days ago to attend Prof Dr. Ahris' funeral.. but now my body cannot stand the pain anymore.. i really have to go.. and as of now.. i have another 1 hour 15 mins before i'm taking a half day off (maybe tukar jadi MC)..
By the way Ardi is at Bintulu (off-shore) until Friday/Saturday... :(
Last nite.. while I was reciting the Quran...
Anisah: Mummy, kakak nak makan roti canai, boleh?
Mummy: Hmm.. okey tapi lepas mummy ngaji and sembahyang ok?
Anisah: Kakak nak roti canai ngan apa tu.. kuah tu.. kuah kari kan..
Mummy: OK. ngan kuah dalca ke?
Anisah: Bukan.. alaaa kuah yang kacang tu..
Mummy: Haaaa.. yelaaaaa...
After Solat Isya', I brought the kids to the nearby Mamak's Restaurant
Anisah: Kalau daddy takde.. kita makan kat kedai laaa.. kalau daddy ada.. makan kat umah je...
Mummy: OK la.. (as what I intend also)
Di Kedai
Mummy: Roti Kosong 2, air nak apa kak?
Anisah: Eh nak roti canai lar mummy..
Mummy: Roti Kosong tu roti canai laaa..
Anisah: ooooo.. ok.. nak milo ais satu.. mummy nak apa??
Mummy: OK.. milo ais 2, tosai 1
At the restaurant, kakak and adik were busy spying on the cat while waiting for the foods. When the food arrived, they washed their hand and started to eat. Surprisingly both of the were behaving very good despite Daddy's not around. And Mummy have no trouble to control them like always. And the restaurant switched on to Star Movie and it was Mutant-X (i think lar sebab kenal hero je) on TV. And while ate, their stucked to the TV. So pretty peaceful night for me. And they both finished their food and drinks with mummy silently helping them. Sebab Amil marah aku amik dianye roti canai.
But I am very tired today due to my sicknes. This morning I was contemplating nak gi kerja ke tak.. but decide to go sebab baru je amik MC tipu 10 days ago to attend Prof Dr. Ahris' funeral.. but now my body cannot stand the pain anymore.. i really have to go.. and as of now.. i have another 1 hour 15 mins before i'm taking a half day off (maybe tukar jadi MC)..
By the way Ardi is at Bintulu (off-shore) until Friday/Saturday... :(
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
The 4 years old and 8 months Anisah

Terajin nak bukak babycenter and found this about Anisah's development
Talking the talk
Language skills are progressing to near-grade-school proficiency now. Among the highlights:
• Four-year-olds learn as many as four to six new words every day.
• Sentences are longer and more complex, containing multiple clauses as well as adverbs and adjectives.
• Four-year-olds can reason out hypothetical situations such as, "If this happened, what would you do?"
--> Yup. Mummy dah tak larat nak melayan soalan2 Anisah.. tapi being a mother layan gak aaa.. dah lar tu kalau bertanya ke bercakap ke siap ngan ekspresi muka lagi..
Engrossed in play
Some 4-year-olds spend noticeably more time with games and puzzles than they would have a year ago. They get up from their play less often and can become so engrossed that you wind up being the one interrupting
--> Yup. Agree. Anisah sangat concentrate kalau bermain ngan benda2 camni. Although not often
Artist at work
With improved control over pencils and crayons, your child can now make pictures you can understand without prompting. Her artwork is becoming more recognizable and more detailed. Plus, she probably starts off knowing exactly what she wants to draw: "I'm going to make a picture of our house."
--> Yup. She draws quite well. Much better than mummy. But her coloring really good. Siap ada shading and color tone tu..
Nipping a lisp in the bud
Pronunciation difficulties are still common at four. For example, is your child is still saying "torry" instead of "sorry"? Many children don't master the initial s and z sounds until age 7 or 8. Other sounds that can cause a problem: f, v, l, r, and sh. Usually the culprit is immature control of the muscles used to form sounds
--> Yup. Tapi ni dia dah master dari dulu lagi. Cuma kekadang mengada buat2 pelat.
Playdate refereeing
Playdates should be progressing more smoothly than they did even six months ago. Four-year-olds play more cooperatively and are more self-sufficient. They initiate their own play now, share more readily, and are beginning to empathize with their friends' feelings. That means you spend less time negotiating conflicts or thinking up things for them to do
--> Yup. Nowadays she decide what she wants. If I don't agree that we negotiate and usually mummy wins!
Countdown to math
The average 4-year-old can count up to ten, although he may not get the numbers in the right order every time. One big hang-up in going higher? Those pesky numbers like 11 and 20. The irregularity of their names doesn't make much sense to a preschooler
--> Yup. She can count to 100 now. Although she might miss some numbers
Get fit together
Four-year-olds are perpetual motion machines — running, jumping, hopping, wriggling, climbing. But this natural inclination to be active won't necessarily last forever. Take advantage of it while you've got it to develop healthy lifelong habits as a family. Join in the fun, stay active with your kids, and they're more likely to keep moving as they grow up
--> Yup. Ni memang dari dulu lagi. No doubt
Your 4-year-old's tall tales
Pair your child's overactive imagination with his exploding language skills and you get some of the most fanciful tales you'll ever hear. He'll convincingly tell you all the details of his trip to the rain forest or how he flew to the desert to dig up dinosaurs before lunch this morning
--> I'll try this but she does have lots of imaginary selalunye menjadi cikgu yang sangat garang di sekolah..
Taming a tiny tyrant
Your child absorbs and parrots back all kinds of grown-up behavior. Occasional bossiness is one of these. (Not that you necessarily deliver your commands as rudely as your child may play them back.) At four, kids start to experiment with power and how words can manipulate people
--> Not sure. Will check this
Building healthy habits
Your preschooler is absorbing all kinds of messages from you about nutrition. Here are some ways to reinforce good habits:
• If your child is still guzzling milk or juice at will, steer him away from the habit. At this age, liquids should be drunk sitting down and only when offered
--> Better than last time. Dah dengar cakap sket. But still refuse vegetables sometimes
Why all the bonks and bruises?
Some preschoolers seem to do everything in hyperdrive, exploring their world with daring, curiosity, and speed. Watch a 4-year-old on the playground and you'll see someone with ever more confidence in her body and movements. She jumps over things, climbs stairs more confidently, and can catch and throw more accurately
--> Neeed to check but she sure have confident when do things
The generous child
Your child is gradually becoming less selfish, but it's still developmentally normal for him to think of himself first. How can you teach him generosity? Here are some ideas:
• Set a good example. Offer to share a snack and find other ways to insert the word "share" in conversation. "Would you like to share this seat with me?"
--> Yup. Improve. Banyak menolong skrang. Cuma kalau tengah malas tu.. hmm.. sangat lar malas
Get fit together
Four-year-olds are perpetual motion machines — running, jumping, hopping, wriggling, climbing. But this natural inclination to be active won't necessarily last forever. Take advantage of it while you've got it to develop healthy lifelong habits as a family. Join in the fun, stay active with your kids, and they're more likely to keep moving as they grow up.
--> Yup. Dia active tapi mummy yg tak active. So how? Tapi kalau berjalan memang dah susah nak tidur petang even dalam kereta.
The Bugis Traditional Raya Food
Ni lar dia bila pregnant.. mula lar ingat macam2 makanan.. so this morning teringat lar makanan Bugis ni.. so aku pun google nak cari camna nak wat burasak ni.. sbab ye lar yg tau buat orang2 tua.. so nanti bila orang2 tua ni takde.. aku nak makan camna.. so kena tau and make the effort to really do it.. tengok lar kalau raya di JB boleh la.. ehhehe
ni resepi nya.. i've got from this side.. http://puadede.com/v1/resepi-buras-bugis/
Beras 1kg,
Kelapa 1 biji diparut dan ambil santannya,
garam secukup rasa.
Bahan pembungkus :
Daun pucuk pisang (hijau muda),
Daun pisang (hijau).
Bersihkan beras dengan air yang bersih dan toskan.
Panaskan santan hingga mendidih. Bila mendidih kecilkan api.
Masukkan garam (janganlah banyak, ala kadar saja). Bila santan sudah berubah warna sedikit, padamkan api. Tuang santan panas ke dalam beras sambil gaulkan. Ingat! jangan terlalu banyak. Beras biar lembab sedikit, tapi merata.

Cara membungkus:
Sediakan daun pucuk pisang yang dipotong bentuk segi empat 4. Daun pisang juga dipotong bentuk segi empat. (Petua memastikan daun pisang tahan dan tidak koyak: jemur atau salai daun pisang itu)


and this is the result..

and nicely eat with serunding or another favorite.. ikan parang masak kicap.. hmmm.. sedapnyaaaa....

also i got another resepi which called Lepat Luih.. another Bugis dishes
Lepat Luih
5 kg beras pulut
Santan (5 biji kelapa)
Sedikit garam
Daun pisang muda
Pulut hendaklah direndam semalaman.
Selepas direndam pulut tadi dikukus hingga masak.
Setelah dikukus pulut tadi digaul bersama santan yang telah dimasak (santan hendaklah dimasak dahulu selama 3 minit).
Selepas sebati baru proses membungkus dilakukan menggunakan daun pisang dan dibentuk segi tiga. Setiap bungkusan akan diikat dijadikan sebuku (setiap sebuku mengandungi 6 bungkus/keping). Tujuannya adalah untuk memudahkan ia direbus di dalam periuk.
Kemudian rebus selama 3 1/2 jam.
Selepas itu ia dibiarkan sejuk dan boleh dihidangkan
yg ni takde gambar.. tapi sedappp gakkk..
ni resepi nya.. i've got from this side.. http://puadede.com/v1/resepi-buras-bugis/
Beras 1kg,
Kelapa 1 biji diparut dan ambil santannya,
garam secukup rasa.
Bahan pembungkus :
Daun pucuk pisang (hijau muda),
Daun pisang (hijau).
Bersihkan beras dengan air yang bersih dan toskan.
Panaskan santan hingga mendidih. Bila mendidih kecilkan api.
Masukkan garam (janganlah banyak, ala kadar saja). Bila santan sudah berubah warna sedikit, padamkan api. Tuang santan panas ke dalam beras sambil gaulkan. Ingat! jangan terlalu banyak. Beras biar lembab sedikit, tapi merata.

Cara membungkus:
Sediakan daun pucuk pisang yang dipotong bentuk segi empat 4. Daun pisang juga dipotong bentuk segi empat. (Petua memastikan daun pisang tahan dan tidak koyak: jemur atau salai daun pisang itu)


and this is the result..

and nicely eat with serunding or another favorite.. ikan parang masak kicap.. hmmm.. sedapnyaaaa....

also i got another resepi which called Lepat Luih.. another Bugis dishes
Lepat Luih
5 kg beras pulut
Santan (5 biji kelapa)
Sedikit garam
Daun pisang muda
Pulut hendaklah direndam semalaman.
Selepas direndam pulut tadi dikukus hingga masak.
Setelah dikukus pulut tadi digaul bersama santan yang telah dimasak (santan hendaklah dimasak dahulu selama 3 minit).
Selepas sebati baru proses membungkus dilakukan menggunakan daun pisang dan dibentuk segi tiga. Setiap bungkusan akan diikat dijadikan sebuku (setiap sebuku mengandungi 6 bungkus/keping). Tujuannya adalah untuk memudahkan ia direbus di dalam periuk.
Kemudian rebus selama 3 1/2 jam.
Selepas itu ia dibiarkan sejuk dan boleh dihidangkan
yg ni takde gambar.. tapi sedappp gakkk..
Friday, October 10, 2008
The Mix
Yesterday was a mixed of sad and happy and normal day for me..
The Sad News
Terima SMS dari kawan-kawan lama.. Alert tu dah bunyi berkali2 since 2.43am.. tapi aku sedar only around 4am ++.. baca SMS tu.. "Salam, takziah dimaklumkan bahawa prof dr ahris yaakup telah kembali ke ramatullah pagi tadi di christchurch, new zealand. jenazah akan dibawa pulang ke malaysia dgn kadar segera.alfatihah.rosalin yusof"
Inalillahiwainnalillahirrojiun.. aku terus tak boleh tidur.. teringatkan boss lama aku.. orang yang telah membawa aku ke dunia GIS.. yang mengambil satu2 nya student oversea untuk bekerja dengan company dia..
pagi tu.. aku YM. cari kawan-kawan.. nak tau citer sebenar.. ramai tak tau lagi.. cuma tau dia gi holiday kat NZ ngan keluarga (relieve to hear family dia ada bersama masa tu).. sbb ex-boss aku ni byk ke oversea for paper presentation.. and selalu gi sorang2.. then later that day.. dapat berYM ngan kak lin.. asked her.. the only thing she knew.. he collapsed at hotel room.. cause still tak tau.. they are waiting for his wife to come back to Malaysia.. kak lin sedih.. dia secretary arwah.. kak lin bgtau.. sblum dr gi.. dr dah pesan macam2 kat dia.. including.. if anything happen to him.. take care of his family..
al-fatihah to Prof Dr Ahris Yaakup.. semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat...
The Happy News
Semalam amik half day.. ada checkup kat Azzahrah.. normally buat weekend.. tapi sebab nak buat detail scan.. kena buat ari Kamis.. i brought anisah and amil along.. ardi tak dapat follow sebab kena kerja.. memang lar penat bawak budak 2 orang tu.. tapi i am used to it.. so tak de hal nye la.. detail scan akan check everything including the organ and the physical organ of the fetus.. alhamdulillah semuanya ok and normal.. nothing to worry.. the fetus weight pun dah 1.053kg.. which is normal for almost 28 weeks... and the news that anisah have been waiting for long time is the gender is XX.. mesti la suka kakak anisah ni.. sebelum tido main ngan baby dulu.. amil lak.. tido atas perut.. but my weight turun by 1.4kg.. takkan sebab pose kot...
The Normal
Dah nama pun normal.. takde apa la...
The Sad News
Terima SMS dari kawan-kawan lama.. Alert tu dah bunyi berkali2 since 2.43am.. tapi aku sedar only around 4am ++.. baca SMS tu.. "Salam, takziah dimaklumkan bahawa prof dr ahris yaakup telah kembali ke ramatullah pagi tadi di christchurch, new zealand. jenazah akan dibawa pulang ke malaysia dgn kadar segera.alfatihah.rosalin yusof"
Inalillahiwainnalillahirrojiun.. aku terus tak boleh tidur.. teringatkan boss lama aku.. orang yang telah membawa aku ke dunia GIS.. yang mengambil satu2 nya student oversea untuk bekerja dengan company dia..
pagi tu.. aku YM. cari kawan-kawan.. nak tau citer sebenar.. ramai tak tau lagi.. cuma tau dia gi holiday kat NZ ngan keluarga (relieve to hear family dia ada bersama masa tu).. sbb ex-boss aku ni byk ke oversea for paper presentation.. and selalu gi sorang2.. then later that day.. dapat berYM ngan kak lin.. asked her.. the only thing she knew.. he collapsed at hotel room.. cause still tak tau.. they are waiting for his wife to come back to Malaysia.. kak lin sedih.. dia secretary arwah.. kak lin bgtau.. sblum dr gi.. dr dah pesan macam2 kat dia.. including.. if anything happen to him.. take care of his family..
al-fatihah to Prof Dr Ahris Yaakup.. semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat...
The Happy News
Semalam amik half day.. ada checkup kat Azzahrah.. normally buat weekend.. tapi sebab nak buat detail scan.. kena buat ari Kamis.. i brought anisah and amil along.. ardi tak dapat follow sebab kena kerja.. memang lar penat bawak budak 2 orang tu.. tapi i am used to it.. so tak de hal nye la.. detail scan akan check everything including the organ and the physical organ of the fetus.. alhamdulillah semuanya ok and normal.. nothing to worry.. the fetus weight pun dah 1.053kg.. which is normal for almost 28 weeks... and the news that anisah have been waiting for long time is the gender is XX.. mesti la suka kakak anisah ni.. sebelum tido main ngan baby dulu.. amil lak.. tido atas perut.. but my weight turun by 1.4kg.. takkan sebab pose kot...
The Normal
Dah nama pun normal.. takde apa la...
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The Eid Celebration Is Coming!

Few more days to celebrate the Hari Raya! Yippie! Yippie!
Mesti lar seronok.. atas bermacam sebab.. teringat pulak masa kecil-kecil dulu.. time ni me and my sis will be very busy decorating the house.. suma kad-kad raya yang datang berduyun-duyun tu lar jadi mangsa decoration kami.. hehehhe... mula lar pikir dinding mana nak ditampalnya kad-kad ni... pastu baru lar sibuk pikir nak wat kuih raya apa.. selalu nya my sis suka ngelat.. dia suka bab sukat-sukat and bancuh-bancuh.. yg kena terap sapa lagi.. gue leee.. sebab kerja tu kan sangat lambat and membosankan.. i still remembered we managed to make 6 raya biscuits a day before the raya.. memang kelam kabut... cam biasa lar kan.. masa tu lar semua orang berebut nak pakai dapur.. ngan ayah, mak nak masak laa... ktorang pun sibuk gak.. pastu ada kalanye that day lar baru sibuk nak cari baju raya (bukan yang baju kurung tapi baju nak meranggi) hehehe... yup.. memang best! pastu yg paling bess.. dapat main bunga api and mercun lar.. disebabkan ayah ada kedai.. so supplier yg jual bunga api tu selalu bagi ktorang bunga api/mercun yang paling best.. selalunye ayah akan simpan untuk malam raya tu sendiri... dan lepas tutup kedai.. baru ayah keluarkan... ayah our neighbour pun ikut sama join laaa.. memang syokkk.. pastu pagi raya lepas dah salam2 suma orang.. we will get ready to go to singapore.. sbb masa tu arwah atuk and nenek duduk sana.. tapi before ke sana.. our first stop will be our neighbour yg betul2 depan rumah.. rumah Mak Cik Sidah.. mama carries dia sedappp sangat... ngan ada biskut yg kaler pink.. tak ingat aaa biskut apa ntah namanya... pastu baru lar ke singapore.. mengharungi trafik jam yg berjam2 tu macam tak kisah lar sangat.. yelar.. bukannye ktorg yg bawak keta kan.. hehehe.. and of course dah sampai sana.. ngan all the cousin and the uncles and aunties dah ada sana.. memang seronot sangatt... tapi kekadang raya ke-2 or ke-3 baru leh buat camtu.. sebab masa tu arwah atuk and nenek selalu beraya kat mekah dulu before balik ke singapore.. apa pun memang syok..
tapi skrang suma tu dah takde.. actually bukan baru tapi dah lama.. kad raya pun dah susah nak dapat.. biskut tunjuk je yg banyak.. bunga api dah diharamkan.. gathering semakin kurang.. in fact sejak arwah atuk meninggal.. boleh kata langsung takde.. suma orang dah bawak haluan masing2.. yelar bila dah berkeluarga camtu lar kot.. tapi.. memang dah tak sama...
i tried to play my part as a mother.. to let my kids know why raya is important to celebrate.. i still kirim kad raya to the elderly.. i asked anisah to participate.. dia lar tukang jilat stamp.. heheheh.. and untuk abang and akak.. anisah yang tulis sendiri.. of course.. mummy kena eja untuk dia la kan.. but she's excited... skrang ni bukak radio Hot FM.. sebab nak suruh my kids dengar lagu raya (i lost my cd raya btw).. so dia akan appreciate that.. i have yet to let them involve with the biscuits raya baking.. sebab.. oven rumah tu rosak lagi.. and tak sempat nak gi betulkan.. bunga api... susah nak carik.. but already asked ardi to look for it.. even though illegal.. heheheh.. yeah.. the gathering is another thing i kena consider.. lucky.. ardi's family still practising this.. tu pun aku rasa sebab suma orang duduk tak jauh and the mother (ibu) is still very much in power to decide.. but will it still the same soon? aku pun tak tau..
as for my own family.. of course the big gathering will no longer happen.. even in our wildest dreams.. so the gathering will only be between me, my siblings and my mother... tapi tahun ni.. akak tak dapat balik raya.. sebab raya tahun ni jatuh masa awal bulan so akak kena ada kat area KL ni.. she'll be back later.. oleh itu.. we decide for mak to come over here to raya with us.. she'll be staying at akak's place.. as for me.. since mak ada sini.. memang lar tak balik raya pertama.. so first day kat shah alam.. then 2nd day.. amik mak untuk balik JB.. and along the raya beraya lar terus.. abang akan beraya kat rumah mertua dia dulu since mak takde kat JB.. tapi on the 2nd day tu masa bawak mak balik JB.. we will go to his nertua nye rumah kat Batu Pahat.. and after that, I plan to go to our sedara2 nye rumah along the way sampai lar ke JB.. i want that Burasak (bugis nye tradisional food for raya, later i take picture of it ye kalau ingat lar).. as for EE.. untuk kali ke berapa lar.. dia tak dapat beraya ngan kitaorang.. he's now in Switzerland for job training.. i am looking forward for this raya.. tapi baju yang sesuai takde lagi ni.. alamakkkk!!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Our Escapade.. or is it only My Escapade
Ardi have a meeting in Kerteh for the second time in 2 weeks. The first trip, he went with colleagues and stayed at Awana Kijal. He made me feel so envy with his stay there.
So when he told me he had to go again, aku pun dah mula gatal cam nak ikut. More, he said he's going alone. Okey what excuse should I give to go. Oooo the excuse not to Ardi but to my boss. hehehe.. Unfortunately on the night before he left, I had stomach pain, how coincidence huh! And to make matter worst, I was vomitting after had sahur and buang-buang air. So, yeah I found my excuse. Hahahaha... And there I went to the clinic nad explain my situation. Apparently doctor said, I almost got gastric. And without hesitation, I asked doctor to gove me 2 days MC. ahhahaha.. At 11 plus picked up my kids, get them ready to go for the quick journey.
So around 3pm, there we off to Kerteh.. and it felt good. And the pain was over. hahahaha.. We break our fast at Tanjung Lumpur, Kuantan before heading to Awana. Upon reaching the room, the kids was frantically excited since there was a jacuzzi tub inside the room. The next morning, both of them woke me up cause tak sabar nak masuk 'swimming pool'. Yup, the jacuzzi tub jadi swimming pool untukd orang. And yeah they really had fun.
Ardi's meeting was at 11am. So by 10.30 we checked out from the hotel and I send him to the Petronas office where the meeting was held. Pastu, nak gi mana ye? Looked at the map, ooo.. Dungun was only 40km away. So I drove the kids to Dungun without knowing what to do there. ooo.. I don't dare to bring the kids to tepi pantai without Ardi. Sampai Dungun, bought new sandals for Anisah. Unfortunately untuk Amil takde yang sesuai. And bought some toys for the kids supaya tak boring dalam kereta. Around 1pm, I drove back to Kerteh, and make a stopover to McDonald's to get lunch for the kids. Apparently, there are only 2 McD outlets throughout the whole Terengganu.
Passing thru the Petronas Oil Refinery amazed me. Wow, this is where the money comes from. Being in Kerteh, make me feel so calm. The place is quiet and very peaceful. I told Ardi I don't mind if he has to transfer to this place. At least less stressful and away from city life which sometimes make me sick.
But the getaway was a pleasant one. ALthough kena melayan kerenah budak kecik dua orang tu.. but it was a good one. Maybe I can do this more often if I don;t have to work kan?? hehehhe
So when he told me he had to go again, aku pun dah mula gatal cam nak ikut. More, he said he's going alone. Okey what excuse should I give to go. Oooo the excuse not to Ardi but to my boss. hehehe.. Unfortunately on the night before he left, I had stomach pain, how coincidence huh! And to make matter worst, I was vomitting after had sahur and buang-buang air. So, yeah I found my excuse. Hahahaha... And there I went to the clinic nad explain my situation. Apparently doctor said, I almost got gastric. And without hesitation, I asked doctor to gove me 2 days MC. ahhahaha.. At 11 plus picked up my kids, get them ready to go for the quick journey.
So around 3pm, there we off to Kerteh.. and it felt good. And the pain was over. hahahaha.. We break our fast at Tanjung Lumpur, Kuantan before heading to Awana. Upon reaching the room, the kids was frantically excited since there was a jacuzzi tub inside the room. The next morning, both of them woke me up cause tak sabar nak masuk 'swimming pool'. Yup, the jacuzzi tub jadi swimming pool untukd orang. And yeah they really had fun.
Ardi's meeting was at 11am. So by 10.30 we checked out from the hotel and I send him to the Petronas office where the meeting was held. Pastu, nak gi mana ye? Looked at the map, ooo.. Dungun was only 40km away. So I drove the kids to Dungun without knowing what to do there. ooo.. I don't dare to bring the kids to tepi pantai without Ardi. Sampai Dungun, bought new sandals for Anisah. Unfortunately untuk Amil takde yang sesuai. And bought some toys for the kids supaya tak boring dalam kereta. Around 1pm, I drove back to Kerteh, and make a stopover to McDonald's to get lunch for the kids. Apparently, there are only 2 McD outlets throughout the whole Terengganu.
Passing thru the Petronas Oil Refinery amazed me. Wow, this is where the money comes from. Being in Kerteh, make me feel so calm. The place is quiet and very peaceful. I told Ardi I don't mind if he has to transfer to this place. At least less stressful and away from city life which sometimes make me sick.
But the getaway was a pleasant one. ALthough kena melayan kerenah budak kecik dua orang tu.. but it was a good one. Maybe I can do this more often if I don;t have to work kan?? hehehhe
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Temperamental Mode
I haven't been in this mode for quite a long time. At least not after I left my previous company. I am very ticked with people who thought there are good at something just because they have stayed in the company fo such a long time. And just because you are wayyyyy older, that doesn't mean what you did is right.
I have just yelled at my colleague because he refused to do what I requested. My request was very simple, to switch On the engine so that I can detect the car location since we have just installed the unit to the car. So I need to get the current location. He said no need to since the unit is already On. How can that be since he just removed the battery and it will not work if the battery is not there and the engine is off. Then only he said he had replaced the battery without me or the admin knowing. He simply did what he thought is right. And now the unit is not active. And who to answer later... THAT WILL BE ME!!! Stupid old man..
I have just yelled at my colleague because he refused to do what I requested. My request was very simple, to switch On the engine so that I can detect the car location since we have just installed the unit to the car. So I need to get the current location. He said no need to since the unit is already On. How can that be since he just removed the battery and it will not work if the battery is not there and the engine is off. Then only he said he had replaced the battery without me or the admin knowing. He simply did what he thought is right. And now the unit is not active. And who to answer later... THAT WILL BE ME!!! Stupid old man..
Friday, September 05, 2008
Malam Jumaat
My sister's best friend passed away a day after I posted about her in the blog. I was trembling for a while when I heard the news which was during break fast time when my sister called. I had a dream about her last night. My in-law said, it was such a blessing, she passed away on a friday night in bulan Ramadhan.. at least salah satu seksaan terlepas...
Semoga roh Allahyarham Kak Liza dicucuri rahmat.. Al-fatihah
Semoga roh Allahyarham Kak Liza dicucuri rahmat.. Al-fatihah
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Not in the Mood
Sangat malas nak update blog..
Tak tau aaa kenapa..
Well.. Selamat Berpuasa kepada semua pembaca blog saya ini ye..
Just a bit..
Ari ni my sis bagitau, one of her best friends is in terminal stage whereby doctor kata anytime saja... Her friend got throat cancer and currently undergo chemotheraphy.. somehow the treatment makes thing worst for her.. she is still young and her daugther is only 1 year plus.. i remembered she send me a stand of flowers for my wedding day... she's a very lovely and kind person.. sometimes during raya we went to her parents house to pay a visit.. i hope the doctor was wrong.. i hope my sis is strong to receive the news..
i don't how I will react if I received the same news about my friends..
till then..
Tak tau aaa kenapa..
Well.. Selamat Berpuasa kepada semua pembaca blog saya ini ye..
Just a bit..
Ari ni my sis bagitau, one of her best friends is in terminal stage whereby doctor kata anytime saja... Her friend got throat cancer and currently undergo chemotheraphy.. somehow the treatment makes thing worst for her.. she is still young and her daugther is only 1 year plus.. i remembered she send me a stand of flowers for my wedding day... she's a very lovely and kind person.. sometimes during raya we went to her parents house to pay a visit.. i hope the doctor was wrong.. i hope my sis is strong to receive the news..
i don't how I will react if I received the same news about my friends..
till then..
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Bugs That Cause Cancer- And What You Can Do About It
I found this in this doctor's blog website..
The two easiest ways to help to prevent two common cancers is easily obtainable but not generally known to the public.
Stomach cancer, which is the second leading cause of deaths due to cancer, shows a worldwide incidence but seems to be more common in the Far East where it is attributable to the consumption of pickled and salted foods. However, it is now known that a cause of stomach cancer is a bug well-known for causing stomach and duodenal ulcers, called Helicobacter pylori (H pylori). Now, researchers have shown that if they were to eliminate this bug from those suffering from early stages of this cancer, they were able to effect a cure. Read more of this here.
More doctors believe that if one’s stomach contains these bugs,it may be better to rid of them by swallowing a course of antibiotics.
For patients having symptoms suggestive of stomach ulcers(the non-cancerous kind), the presence of H pylori can easily be detected by a few easy ways, including breath tests and blood sampling. Sometimes, a scope needs to be inserted into the stomach to obtain tissue samples. Once the test is confirmed positive, a 2-week course of antibiotics that includes one or more of these -lansoprazole, amoxycillin or clarithromycin- is given to eliminate this bug from the stomach.
Primary liver cancer, the fifth most common cancer in the world, is a deadly cancer for which the outlook is bad as, by the time someone has symptoms, the cancer is far-advanced and has spread to other organs. Again, a bug - the hepatitis B virus-has been identified to be the cause in 50% of primary liver cancers aka hepatocellular carcinoma, aka hepatoma.
The role of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in causing liver cancer is well established. So much so, an effective means of prevention is to get Hepatitis B immunisation shots after a prior blood test has confirmed the absence of previous infection due to hepatitis B virus. In most countries in Asia, it is already mandatory for all newborns to be immunised, so there is a real chance that the incidence of liver cancer due to hepatitis B will fall dramatically in the near future.
On other note, my father passed away due to liver cancer. So do take this seriously.
The two easiest ways to help to prevent two common cancers is easily obtainable but not generally known to the public.
Stomach cancer, which is the second leading cause of deaths due to cancer, shows a worldwide incidence but seems to be more common in the Far East where it is attributable to the consumption of pickled and salted foods. However, it is now known that a cause of stomach cancer is a bug well-known for causing stomach and duodenal ulcers, called Helicobacter pylori (H pylori). Now, researchers have shown that if they were to eliminate this bug from those suffering from early stages of this cancer, they were able to effect a cure. Read more of this here.
More doctors believe that if one’s stomach contains these bugs,it may be better to rid of them by swallowing a course of antibiotics.
For patients having symptoms suggestive of stomach ulcers(the non-cancerous kind), the presence of H pylori can easily be detected by a few easy ways, including breath tests and blood sampling. Sometimes, a scope needs to be inserted into the stomach to obtain tissue samples. Once the test is confirmed positive, a 2-week course of antibiotics that includes one or more of these -lansoprazole, amoxycillin or clarithromycin- is given to eliminate this bug from the stomach.
Primary liver cancer, the fifth most common cancer in the world, is a deadly cancer for which the outlook is bad as, by the time someone has symptoms, the cancer is far-advanced and has spread to other organs. Again, a bug - the hepatitis B virus-has been identified to be the cause in 50% of primary liver cancers aka hepatocellular carcinoma, aka hepatoma.
The role of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in causing liver cancer is well established. So much so, an effective means of prevention is to get Hepatitis B immunisation shots after a prior blood test has confirmed the absence of previous infection due to hepatitis B virus. In most countries in Asia, it is already mandatory for all newborns to be immunised, so there is a real chance that the incidence of liver cancer due to hepatitis B will fall dramatically in the near future.
On other note, my father passed away due to liver cancer. So do take this seriously.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Headache during pregnancy
Lately, I experienced this.. and it really hurts!
Is it common to get headaches during pregnancy?
It's not unusual to get tension headaches when you're pregnant, especially in the first trimester. Tension headaches — the most common kind of headache — can feel like a squeezing pain or a steady dull ache on both sides of the head or the back of the neck. If you've always been susceptible to tension headaches, pregnancy can make the problem worse.
Experts don't know exactly why carrying a child tends to make your head ache more often, but one good guess is the hormonal free-for-all that's taking place in your body. Going cold turkey on caffeine can also make your head pound.
Other potential culprits include lack of sleep or general fatigue, sinus congestion, allergies, eyestrain, stress, depression, hunger, and dehydration.
For most pregnant women, headaches tend to diminish or even disappear during the second trimester, when the flood of hormones stabilizes and the body grows accustomed to its altered chemistry.
What about migraines?
Migraines are another common type of headache. Experts estimate that about one in five women has a migraine headache at some time in her life, and about 15 percent of migraine sufferers get migraines for the first time when they're pregnant (most often in the first trimester).
Migraine headaches cause moderate to severe throbbing pain, typically on one side of the head. They last from four to 72 hours (if untreated) and are aggravated by physical activity. They are also accompanied by other symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, or sensitivity to light and noise.
Some migraine sufferers have what are known as migraines with aura — that is, headaches that are preceded by symptoms that may include visual changes (such as bright flashing lights or blind spots), sensations of numbness or "pins and needles," weakness, and speech disturbances. These symptoms may start as long as an hour before a migraine and may last up to an hour.
Fortunately, about two thirds of women who are prone to migraines notice that they improve during pregnancy. (This is more likely if your migraines tended to be worse around your periods or started when you first began menstruating.) Others notice no change or find that their headaches become more frequent and intense.
Even if you're part of the unlucky minority whose migraines don't improve during pregnancy, you can at least take some solace in the fact that migraine sufferers don't appear to have a higher risk of pregnancy complications than other women.
Can a headache be a sign of something more serious?
Yes. Most headaches during pregnancy are unpleasant but harmless, but a headache can be a sign of a more serious problem. If you're having a migraine or other severe headache for the first time ever, you'll need a full medical evaluation to be sure nothing else is going on.
In the second or third trimester of pregnancy, a headache could be a sign of severe preeclampsia, a serious pregnancy-induced syndrome that includes high blood pressure, protein in the urine, and other changes.
Is it common to get headaches during pregnancy?
It's not unusual to get tension headaches when you're pregnant, especially in the first trimester. Tension headaches — the most common kind of headache — can feel like a squeezing pain or a steady dull ache on both sides of the head or the back of the neck. If you've always been susceptible to tension headaches, pregnancy can make the problem worse.
Experts don't know exactly why carrying a child tends to make your head ache more often, but one good guess is the hormonal free-for-all that's taking place in your body. Going cold turkey on caffeine can also make your head pound.
Other potential culprits include lack of sleep or general fatigue, sinus congestion, allergies, eyestrain, stress, depression, hunger, and dehydration.
For most pregnant women, headaches tend to diminish or even disappear during the second trimester, when the flood of hormones stabilizes and the body grows accustomed to its altered chemistry.
What about migraines?
Migraines are another common type of headache. Experts estimate that about one in five women has a migraine headache at some time in her life, and about 15 percent of migraine sufferers get migraines for the first time when they're pregnant (most often in the first trimester).
Migraine headaches cause moderate to severe throbbing pain, typically on one side of the head. They last from four to 72 hours (if untreated) and are aggravated by physical activity. They are also accompanied by other symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, or sensitivity to light and noise.
Some migraine sufferers have what are known as migraines with aura — that is, headaches that are preceded by symptoms that may include visual changes (such as bright flashing lights or blind spots), sensations of numbness or "pins and needles," weakness, and speech disturbances. These symptoms may start as long as an hour before a migraine and may last up to an hour.
Fortunately, about two thirds of women who are prone to migraines notice that they improve during pregnancy. (This is more likely if your migraines tended to be worse around your periods or started when you first began menstruating.) Others notice no change or find that their headaches become more frequent and intense.
Even if you're part of the unlucky minority whose migraines don't improve during pregnancy, you can at least take some solace in the fact that migraine sufferers don't appear to have a higher risk of pregnancy complications than other women.
Can a headache be a sign of something more serious?
Yes. Most headaches during pregnancy are unpleasant but harmless, but a headache can be a sign of a more serious problem. If you're having a migraine or other severe headache for the first time ever, you'll need a full medical evaluation to be sure nothing else is going on.
In the second or third trimester of pregnancy, a headache could be a sign of severe preeclampsia, a serious pregnancy-induced syndrome that includes high blood pressure, protein in the urine, and other changes.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Updates of Us
I have reached my 16 weeks pregnancy. Supposedly by this time, the sickness have moved away. But I still experienced it. This pregnancy really tire me. Sometime I wish I haven't changed my job so that I can always take MC leave. hahah...
Currently our daily schedule a bit hectic since Ardi has started his new job at KLCC. I have to wake up quite early to get ready and to make breakfast and to bath Anisah as well. By 6.40am we have left the house. I send Ardi to LRT Kelana Jaya then straight back to Shah Alam to send my kids to kindy/nursery before go to work. And in the evening, pick up my kids and Ardi at Kelana Jaya again. Normally we will reached home by 8.30pm sometimes 9pm. I pity the kids having to deal with our cureent daily lives. But one thing I am glad is we get to spend more time although the time is spend in the car. Anyway this will soon over.
Can't wait for next week though!
On the other hand, Amil is very fond of my tummy. Must make me pull up my shirt everytime he drinks his milks. When he's done. Ok mummy, dah tutup! But now he really loves the words 'Tak Nak'. Tanya apa pun suma nye Tak Nak. Bengang gak!
Anisah is having a fever today. Poor my little girl. When she has fever, she's a bit quiet. Not jumping as usual. Listen to mummy! She complies with all my instruction especially when ask to cover up her body and drinks a lot of water. She's good at that only she has fever lar... kalau tak.. hmmm... oo and she's going on her first ever no-mummy-or-daddy trip in 2 weeks time... she'll be going to Petrosains KLCC with her teachers and friends of Tadika Al-Husni and she is so excited about it. And I told her she can only go if she's being good. eheheh..
Till then..
Currently our daily schedule a bit hectic since Ardi has started his new job at KLCC. I have to wake up quite early to get ready and to make breakfast and to bath Anisah as well. By 6.40am we have left the house. I send Ardi to LRT Kelana Jaya then straight back to Shah Alam to send my kids to kindy/nursery before go to work. And in the evening, pick up my kids and Ardi at Kelana Jaya again. Normally we will reached home by 8.30pm sometimes 9pm. I pity the kids having to deal with our cureent daily lives. But one thing I am glad is we get to spend more time although the time is spend in the car. Anyway this will soon over.
Can't wait for next week though!
On the other hand, Amil is very fond of my tummy. Must make me pull up my shirt everytime he drinks his milks. When he's done. Ok mummy, dah tutup! But now he really loves the words 'Tak Nak'. Tanya apa pun suma nye Tak Nak. Bengang gak!
Anisah is having a fever today. Poor my little girl. When she has fever, she's a bit quiet. Not jumping as usual. Listen to mummy! She complies with all my instruction especially when ask to cover up her body and drinks a lot of water. She's good at that only she has fever lar... kalau tak.. hmmm... oo and she's going on her first ever no-mummy-or-daddy trip in 2 weeks time... she'll be going to Petrosains KLCC with her teachers and friends of Tadika Al-Husni and she is so excited about it. And I told her she can only go if she's being good. eheheh..
Till then..
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
They're Back!
I admit I was a big fan of them back in the late 80s, early 90s. I had posters of them all over my bedroom. I even owned their cassettes. It was really cool then. Since I lived in JB, I managed to watch their video clips thru the Singapore Channel.
Who are they? They are the New Kids on the Block. And they are back. Well, I don't fancy them now. But I still love their old songs. And I still can sing along. Haha
Here's one of it..
Who are they? They are the New Kids on the Block. And they are back. Well, I don't fancy them now. But I still love their old songs. And I still can sing along. Haha
Here's one of it..
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Monday, July 07, 2008
Sedih bila...
Sedih bila kisah lalu diungkit kembali..
Sedih bila kisah orang yang sudah tiada didedahkan..
Sedih bila dipersalahkan kerana memporak perandakan keluarga..
Sedih bila isu yang hendak dibincang tidak pernah ingin dibawa berbincang..
Sedih bila hanya kita lebih muda, kita dikatakan kurang ajar!..
Sedih bila anak-anak tidak mampu mempertahankan hak ibu dan ayah nya..
Sedih bila harta menjadi rebutan..
Sedih bila sesuatu pengorbanan diperkotak-katikkan..
Sedih bila ada orang yang cuba mengambil kesempatan di atas apa yang berlaku..
Sedih bila orang yang kita pernah percaya membelakangkan kita..
Sedih bila memikirkan dimanakah keikhlasan selama ini..
Sedih bila tidak lagi mampu duduk di tempat yang sudah lama didiami..
Sedih bila kenangan dan nostalgia yang ada akan dipadamkan secara paksa..
Buat mak tersayang.. Sabar lar dengan dugaan ini dan ingat lar anak-anak mu sentiasa ada bersamamu..
Buat adik-beradik ku semua.. Bersatu lar kita sampai akhir hayat.. Jangan harta menjadi rebutan.. Jadikan lar ini satu pengajaran yang sangat mahal.. Semoga anak-anak kita tidak perlu melalui situasi begini..
Ya Allah! aku percaya apa yang berlaku ada hikmah nya.. aku juga berdoa semoga orang yang memperlakukan kami sedemikian akan satu hari nanti menyedari apa yang berlaku adalah satu kesilapan besar yang pernah mereka lakukan.. aminnn
Sedih bila kisah orang yang sudah tiada didedahkan..
Sedih bila dipersalahkan kerana memporak perandakan keluarga..
Sedih bila isu yang hendak dibincang tidak pernah ingin dibawa berbincang..
Sedih bila hanya kita lebih muda, kita dikatakan kurang ajar!..
Sedih bila anak-anak tidak mampu mempertahankan hak ibu dan ayah nya..
Sedih bila harta menjadi rebutan..
Sedih bila sesuatu pengorbanan diperkotak-katikkan..
Sedih bila ada orang yang cuba mengambil kesempatan di atas apa yang berlaku..
Sedih bila orang yang kita pernah percaya membelakangkan kita..
Sedih bila memikirkan dimanakah keikhlasan selama ini..
Sedih bila tidak lagi mampu duduk di tempat yang sudah lama didiami..
Sedih bila kenangan dan nostalgia yang ada akan dipadamkan secara paksa..
Buat mak tersayang.. Sabar lar dengan dugaan ini dan ingat lar anak-anak mu sentiasa ada bersamamu..
Buat adik-beradik ku semua.. Bersatu lar kita sampai akhir hayat.. Jangan harta menjadi rebutan.. Jadikan lar ini satu pengajaran yang sangat mahal.. Semoga anak-anak kita tidak perlu melalui situasi begini..
Ya Allah! aku percaya apa yang berlaku ada hikmah nya.. aku juga berdoa semoga orang yang memperlakukan kami sedemikian akan satu hari nanti menyedari apa yang berlaku adalah satu kesilapan besar yang pernah mereka lakukan.. aminnn
Monday, June 23, 2008
1st Annual Sports Day
One good thing about school is they have Sports Day! And I really love Sports Day. It is the day where everybody is stress free from books, grumpy teachers etc. During my days, I tried to involve in as many events as I could. Not so much a runner, but I did entered 4x400m and managed to get 3rd place. I love the cheering part though!! And usually I volunteered myself. And in Banting, I was the Sports Committee members. And the best part was I (and few others) were the one who set who's to be in which team. Haha. And for my team, pilih lar yg gempak2 punye.. hehehe.. tipu sket.. jangan marah ye kawan-kawan... Nowadays, I am no longer active. All my athletic muscles turn to FAT. But I still enjoy Sports very much. Dengan adanya Sports Channel yg melambak kat Astro tu, dapat lar tengok all the interesting Sports and cheering for Man United (uhuuu!!), Kimi Raikonnen, and now for the Euro - Go Germany!! (tak sabar nak dapat authentic German jersey dari EE)
So when Anisah's school having a Sports Day! I marked the calender. It is my dream to be in my kids sports day. And Anisah dapat masuk pasukan KUNING!! sama macam mummy and daddy dulu2.. So on Father's Day (15/6/2008), we went for her school's Sports Day. The first event is Marching. Nak bergambar punya pasal, sampai terlanggar2 orang depan dia. Then they sang the school's song, recite oath, baca doa. It's really cute. Then, the boys performed a silat. The girls kena menari. Sungguh lar aku tak sangka, anak aku yang lasak terlompat sana-sini rupanya pandai menari dan lembut pulak tu.. Watch the vids! Maaf ye mummy ni sangat amatur bab video-video ni.
Then she participate dalam acara "ari dalam guni dan baling bola masuk baldi"... and she and her team won!!! Tak sia-sia mummy bersorak bagai nak apa. And she was superbly fast masa lari dalam guni tu.. tapi agak kureng terer bila kena baling bola.. hmmm.. nak kena training lagi ni.. gambar disusun ikut sequence. 2nd pic.. sebab terlalu laju anak aku tu melpmat dlm guni.. sampai tak terambik gambar..
And since mummy also cannot forget her school's Sports Day, she also want to participate. And won!!

Then she participate dalam acara "ari dalam guni dan baling bola masuk baldi"... and she and her team won!!! Tak sia-sia mummy bersorak bagai nak apa. And she was superbly fast masa lari dalam guni tu.. tapi agak kureng terer bila kena baling bola.. hmmm.. nak kena training lagi ni.. gambar disusun ikut sequence. 2nd pic.. sebab terlalu laju anak aku tu melpmat dlm guni.. sampai tak terambik gambar..




Monday, June 16, 2008
Amil's ramblings
Scenario 1
Nenek: Assalamualaikum amil..
Amil: waakum shalam..
Nenek: Amil dah makan?
Amil: Hello Nenek! {very clear}
Nenek: Amil dah makan belum?
Amil: abshuy ushi asdajkasd {very low tone}
Nenek: Amil cakap apa tu?
Amil: OK BABAI {very loud}
Scenario 2
Amil: Mummy ooo mummy!
Mummy: Ye amil..
Amil: Mummy... abshuy ushi asdajkasd {again low tone}
Mummy: Ha ye lar.. {not understanding a thing}
Amil: abshuy ushi asdajkasd ahsahshahahbusbbas
Mummy: Amil nak susu ke?
Amil: emm.. nak syusyu! {and smile}
Mummy: ooo cakap lar nak susu..
Scenario 3
Amil: Mummy.. nak azhan! {nak azan, baca ngan slang omputih ye}
Mummy: belum lagi lar.. baru kul 10pg.. nak azan apa..
Amil: Mummy.. nak azhan! {skali lagi sila baca ngan slang omputih}
Mummy: haa.. yelar.. Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!
Amil: Mummmyyyyyy.. {nada tak puas hati! and go away}
Nenek: Assalamualaikum amil..
Amil: waakum shalam..
Nenek: Amil dah makan?
Amil: Hello Nenek! {very clear}
Nenek: Amil dah makan belum?
Amil: abshuy ushi asdajkasd {very low tone}
Nenek: Amil cakap apa tu?
Amil: OK BABAI {very loud}
Scenario 2
Amil: Mummy ooo mummy!
Mummy: Ye amil..
Amil: Mummy... abshuy ushi asdajkasd {again low tone}
Mummy: Ha ye lar.. {not understanding a thing}
Amil: abshuy ushi asdajkasd ahsahshahahbusbbas
Mummy: Amil nak susu ke?
Amil: emm.. nak syusyu! {and smile}
Mummy: ooo cakap lar nak susu..
Scenario 3
Amil: Mummy.. nak azhan! {nak azan, baca ngan slang omputih ye}
Mummy: belum lagi lar.. baru kul 10pg.. nak azan apa..
Amil: Mummy.. nak azhan! {skali lagi sila baca ngan slang omputih}
Mummy: haa.. yelar.. Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!
Amil: Mummmyyyyyy.. {nada tak puas hati! and go away}
Friday, June 13, 2008
3rd and 31st
I am expecting my 3rd baby. It will due in first week of January 2009. Anisah wants a baby girl. Lately, Amil acts very extra 'manja', be it with me or Ardi. Recently, kalau dia nak tido, he will open my shirt slightly until he can see my tummy then he will kiss and hug my tummy. So sweet!! As for Anisah, she will cuddle beside me and kiss my tummy and said,"Baby.. ni kakak ni..." I hope both of them can be a good elder sis and bro to the little one.
But this preganancy is more tiring than the earlier two. Up to this day, I have taken 3 MC (2 days for vomitting and 1 day for gastrik). Well, some might say, it's normal.. but not for me... I have never taken any MC during my two earlier pregnancy. This time I feel so exhausted, I have no appetite, I vomit more than usual and I am extra moody. By end of the working day, I have no more energy to even lift my head. Once I reach home, I can only lie on my bed and take a small nap. Can it because I am 31 already?? Oh dear!!!
But this preganancy is more tiring than the earlier two. Up to this day, I have taken 3 MC (2 days for vomitting and 1 day for gastrik). Well, some might say, it's normal.. but not for me... I have never taken any MC during my two earlier pregnancy. This time I feel so exhausted, I have no appetite, I vomit more than usual and I am extra moody. By end of the working day, I have no more energy to even lift my head. Once I reach home, I can only lie on my bed and take a small nap. Can it because I am 31 already?? Oh dear!!!
Change of blog address
Dear Friends,
Due to some personal issue, I change my blog to a new address. I will later make this blog private so please drop me your email address in the comment, so that I will add you guys in my private list.
Due to some personal issue, I change my blog to a new address. I will later make this blog private so please drop me your email address in the comment, so that I will add you guys in my private list.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Anisah is No 1!
She's only 4. She's very active. We say that she has spring in her body cause she just can stop moving. Who ever met her for the first time will say, "Dia memang tak leh diam heh?"
But she's smart. As a mother who had carried her more than 40 weeks, I feel blessed with my daugther.
Last Thursday was her report card day. I was the first to arrive as I have to rush to work after that. I met her class teacher after waiting for her about 15 minutes. She immediately told me, "Anisah dapat No 1". I was disbelief at first then after went through her report card, "Yep, she got No 1". What a mother can give is a big hug and huge kiss!!
For her great results, we bought her a set of colors including crayons and pencils. She is really into coloring now and I can see her improvement. Well, I noticed that even before the result came out. Just don;t believe SHE GOT NO 1.
To Anisah, mummy loves you!
But she's smart. As a mother who had carried her more than 40 weeks, I feel blessed with my daugther.
Last Thursday was her report card day. I was the first to arrive as I have to rush to work after that. I met her class teacher after waiting for her about 15 minutes. She immediately told me, "Anisah dapat No 1". I was disbelief at first then after went through her report card, "Yep, she got No 1". What a mother can give is a big hug and huge kiss!!
For her great results, we bought her a set of colors including crayons and pencils. She is really into coloring now and I can see her improvement. Well, I noticed that even before the result came out. Just don;t believe SHE GOT NO 1.
To Anisah, mummy loves you!
Monday, May 12, 2008
The Reds Rules Again!
It's number 10th for both Sir Alex and Ryan Giggs.
It's the first for Tevez, Nani, Anderson, Hargreaves, Pique (??)

And he won the Sir Matt Busby Player of the Year,Players' Player of the Year Goal of the Season award to his collection. Also PFA and Football Writers' Player of the Season.

And don't forget another victory for another reds!
It's the first for Tevez, Nani, Anderson, Hargreaves, Pique (??)

And he won the Sir Matt Busby Player of the Year,Players' Player of the Year Goal of the Season award to his collection. Also PFA and Football Writers' Player of the Season.

And don't forget another victory for another reds!

Sunday, May 04, 2008
The promise..
Yup.. I promise to post some pics.. Unfortunately I couldn't find CD of the photos.. So I posted this instead.
We had really great fun in Wet World Shah Alam. Not so grand like Sunway Lagoon. But what do the kids care.. as long as there are water.. they are great! Enjoy!
We had really great fun in Wet World Shah Alam. Not so grand like Sunway Lagoon. But what do the kids care.. as long as there are water.. they are great! Enjoy!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
2nd April..
Setiap tahun aku akan letak blog ni. This is to commemorate my father, Hj Abas bin Hj Magu who passed away exactly 3 years ago due to liver cancer. Masih segar lagi kat ingatan ni how he passed away. You may go here.
As you grow older you never realize how much you needed your parents. At least I do. I need my father's advice in almost everything. On my career, my marriage, my kids, buying a house, buying a car. In fact almost everything.
I am proud of my father. He's willing to sacrifice his career for the love of my mother. He was a Religious Officer back in Sarawak. His work required him to move around. That was why my elder brother was born in Simanggang and my sister was born in Limbang. But then my late grandparents were not so happy with his moving around thingy. So they bought a land in Larkin, JB, built a shophouse and asked my parents to take care of it. So that was why I ended up born in Singapore (while waiting for the house to be ready) and my other brothers born in Johor Bahru. He became a shopkeeper (that's what they used to call) for almost 20 years before we rented out the shop. It was a sad moment for us to finally close down the shop. I still remembered I went back from Banting just to observe the handover. We did the inventories together.
But my father was a very determine person. Although he lost his only 'punca rezeki', he tried everything he could to support us. After I left for the States, he went to Kuching leave my mother in JB. At the moment, it seemed that my family was dysfuntional a bit. Ayah in Sarawak, Mak in JB, Abang in KL, Akak in Ireland, I was in the States and EE was in boarding school in JB. Some people even accused him of brought all the money to Sarawak and dumped it to his family. Well, if he did, what's the problem? He had every right to do so. His mum was there and all his siblings.
When I got back to Malaysia, he asked me to get a car. So me and him went to the showrooms, searched high and low for the car. And finally, he told me to get a Proton Wira Sedan 1.5. Then, he decided to open a Nasi Campur stall in our of the restaurants. He definitely loved it. Mak were not even allowed to cut the vegetables. Actually so did I but I always insisted to help him. But it was not long last. For some reason, the owner decided to let the stall which only opened at night to operate in the afternoon as well. Ayah was so frustrated. So he decided to stop the operation although the owner tried to persuade my father not to do so. But too late. (Ini lar dia orang Melayu yang tak boleh tengok orang Melayu senang). Then one of my uncle asked him to join him to open another stall saying that you can sell whatever you want. No need to pay the rental or the utilities bill. Until the bill came out, he asked for the money. Bloody hell! But my father was very patience and said he also wanted to sell some noodles. But my uncle objected by saying that the stall couldn't sold noodle since there were agreement with the other stalls. But then few days after that, he asked my aunty to sell noodles. So since our very 'wonderful' relatives acted like that he decided to quit after all. So he backed to sell nasi lemak every morning and goreng pisang every evening. Although he only made RM100 a day (sometime less), he was happy.
But now he's no longer alive. I knew that so much in his life that he couldn't achieve. He always told me what kind of house he would like to have. Not a shophouses, not a single storey houses. He wanted a double story so that the kitchen is separated with the rooms and the kitchen will always clean. Somehow we are not able to make his wishes come true. He passed away when we all start to have life of our own. Abang's house was almost ready when he passed away. So he did not have the chance to stay even a day in his children house. That is the whole reason why I wanted my own house so much. I did not want to end up like my father. Luckily Ardi finally understood why it is very important to me.
I love my father very much and to this date I always tell Anisah how her atuk really loves her. Anisah seems to remember her atuk whenever she looked at the picture she will say that the man in the picture is her atuk. (Anisah was the onlyLast February, I went back home to JB, we visited my father grave. Anisah was asking why are we here. So I told her that her atuk is now here. And the other day, I bought some goreng pisang. She wanted to save it for her atuk when her atuk wake up from the tanah. I feel so sad but happy as well. Although Anisah does not understand but she remembers her atuk and I will teach Amil to remember him as well. I hope my brothers and sister will teach their children to do the same. Although he was no longer with us, I always feel his presence.
"Semoga roh Hj Abas bin Hj Magu ditempatkan di tempat yang mulia. Amin."
As you grow older you never realize how much you needed your parents. At least I do. I need my father's advice in almost everything. On my career, my marriage, my kids, buying a house, buying a car. In fact almost everything.
I am proud of my father. He's willing to sacrifice his career for the love of my mother. He was a Religious Officer back in Sarawak. His work required him to move around. That was why my elder brother was born in Simanggang and my sister was born in Limbang. But then my late grandparents were not so happy with his moving around thingy. So they bought a land in Larkin, JB, built a shophouse and asked my parents to take care of it. So that was why I ended up born in Singapore (while waiting for the house to be ready) and my other brothers born in Johor Bahru. He became a shopkeeper (that's what they used to call) for almost 20 years before we rented out the shop. It was a sad moment for us to finally close down the shop. I still remembered I went back from Banting just to observe the handover. We did the inventories together.
But my father was a very determine person. Although he lost his only 'punca rezeki', he tried everything he could to support us. After I left for the States, he went to Kuching leave my mother in JB. At the moment, it seemed that my family was dysfuntional a bit. Ayah in Sarawak, Mak in JB, Abang in KL, Akak in Ireland, I was in the States and EE was in boarding school in JB. Some people even accused him of brought all the money to Sarawak and dumped it to his family. Well, if he did, what's the problem? He had every right to do so. His mum was there and all his siblings.
When I got back to Malaysia, he asked me to get a car. So me and him went to the showrooms, searched high and low for the car. And finally, he told me to get a Proton Wira Sedan 1.5. Then, he decided to open a Nasi Campur stall in our of the restaurants. He definitely loved it. Mak were not even allowed to cut the vegetables. Actually so did I but I always insisted to help him. But it was not long last. For some reason, the owner decided to let the stall which only opened at night to operate in the afternoon as well. Ayah was so frustrated. So he decided to stop the operation although the owner tried to persuade my father not to do so. But too late. (Ini lar dia orang Melayu yang tak boleh tengok orang Melayu senang). Then one of my uncle asked him to join him to open another stall saying that you can sell whatever you want. No need to pay the rental or the utilities bill. Until the bill came out, he asked for the money. Bloody hell! But my father was very patience and said he also wanted to sell some noodles. But my uncle objected by saying that the stall couldn't sold noodle since there were agreement with the other stalls. But then few days after that, he asked my aunty to sell noodles. So since our very 'wonderful' relatives acted like that he decided to quit after all. So he backed to sell nasi lemak every morning and goreng pisang every evening. Although he only made RM100 a day (sometime less), he was happy.
But now he's no longer alive. I knew that so much in his life that he couldn't achieve. He always told me what kind of house he would like to have. Not a shophouses, not a single storey houses. He wanted a double story so that the kitchen is separated with the rooms and the kitchen will always clean. Somehow we are not able to make his wishes come true. He passed away when we all start to have life of our own. Abang's house was almost ready when he passed away. So he did not have the chance to stay even a day in his children house. That is the whole reason why I wanted my own house so much. I did not want to end up like my father. Luckily Ardi finally understood why it is very important to me.
I love my father very much and to this date I always tell Anisah how her atuk really loves her. Anisah seems to remember her atuk whenever she looked at the picture she will say that the man in the picture is her atuk. (Anisah was the onlyLast February, I went back home to JB, we visited my father grave. Anisah was asking why are we here. So I told her that her atuk is now here. And the other day, I bought some goreng pisang. She wanted to save it for her atuk when her atuk wake up from the tanah. I feel so sad but happy as well. Although Anisah does not understand but she remembers her atuk and I will teach Amil to remember him as well. I hope my brothers and sister will teach their children to do the same. Although he was no longer with us, I always feel his presence.
"Semoga roh Hj Abas bin Hj Magu ditempatkan di tempat yang mulia. Amin."
Friday, March 21, 2008
Past few weeks of my life
Post election fever
i know i am late.. but can you believe it that the people is talking about the aftermath of the recent election... well at least that what happens in my office (in my office, i am the only malay, others are chinese and the guys like to hang out with us is an indian.. talking about multiracial huh!). but don't you guys love this.. normal people who never care about politics.. now.. talk about politics and talk like they know politics more than anyone else.. hahah.. at least i am.. i have to admit.. i am addicted to malaysiakini and harakahdaily and also all the politics bloggers.. it's like watching soap drama.. hahah.. but am still glad the opposition won.. i know my late father will be very happy if he's still around..
Bowling Match
We (me and ardi) compete against caza and zain.. and we won! we won! hahah.. well.. it's a very tough games.. i guess.. caza and me are the 'penentu' since both of us are not consistent.. and zain.. ardi kata you play not bad!.. well.. pity caza and zain have to pay for all the cost since they lost.. including our dinner... well.. when is the next one? we pay for dinner this time.. but this time i want to take one lane for the kids.. susahnye nak jaga dorang.. penat tau!!
My current office
Well.. so far i think my work place is great.. no juicy gossip.. sampai ardi pun boring sbb takde gossip for me to update him.. hehehe.. i really have nice time working with this people despite of being the only non-chinese.. my boss really nice.. always appraise me whenever i get the job done! hmm...but i know he's sincere.. he appraised other people as well.. we've got couple of sales lately.. am still in the learning curve... for those who don't know.. i am currently working with a company which sells vehicle tracking systems... you may refer here if you would like to know more.. well.. the website have not been updated for a very long time.. so mind that ok...
20th March - Birthday of Prophet Muhammad
Today is a holiday for us.. well.. after watch some parade over the tv.. we decided to go for washing machine hunting.. heheh. .our washer broke down and cannot be repair.. well..can.. but at a high cost.. so might as well get a new one.. so we off to The Curve.. apparently over there, one of the electronics company have a 'relocate sale'.. still a bit pricey though... and we spent more than we budgetted not on the washer but on our lunch... we had lunch at Secret Recipe.. but Anisah refuse to eat.. she wanted cake instead.. but she wanted a whole cakes.. so after a handful of argument with her.. she agreed to eat cupcakes at nearby cupcakes store.. and the cupcakes were expensive.. RM4.50 each. hehh.. not worth it at all.. then she decided she wanted to have an ice-cream.. being a strict mother i am normally will say NO... but somehow.. yesterday i decided to give her a nod.. there we go spend another ringgit at Baskin Robbin.. and we discover this one cool restaurant... Mache.. (yelar aku tau korang suma dah tau.. aku ni kan jakun sket!).. we will try the place later... without the kids..
oo.. back to washer hunting.. we straight to Kepong after that.. for a warehouse sale.. and we managed to get a front load washer for half of the market price.. good deal huh!!!.. so now i don't have to go to the laundry anymore. heheh.. only that.. who can lend us their 4 wheel so we can take our machine??
i have pictures to upload.. the kids pictures.. but i have no time.. busy baca politik issue.. how aaa??
i know i am late.. but can you believe it that the people is talking about the aftermath of the recent election... well at least that what happens in my office (in my office, i am the only malay, others are chinese and the guys like to hang out with us is an indian.. talking about multiracial huh!). but don't you guys love this.. normal people who never care about politics.. now.. talk about politics and talk like they know politics more than anyone else.. hahah.. at least i am.. i have to admit.. i am addicted to malaysiakini and harakahdaily and also all the politics bloggers.. it's like watching soap drama.. hahah.. but am still glad the opposition won.. i know my late father will be very happy if he's still around..
Bowling Match
We (me and ardi) compete against caza and zain.. and we won! we won! hahah.. well.. it's a very tough games.. i guess.. caza and me are the 'penentu' since both of us are not consistent.. and zain.. ardi kata you play not bad!.. well.. pity caza and zain have to pay for all the cost since they lost.. including our dinner... well.. when is the next one? we pay for dinner this time.. but this time i want to take one lane for the kids.. susahnye nak jaga dorang.. penat tau!!
My current office
Well.. so far i think my work place is great.. no juicy gossip.. sampai ardi pun boring sbb takde gossip for me to update him.. hehehe.. i really have nice time working with this people despite of being the only non-chinese.. my boss really nice.. always appraise me whenever i get the job done! hmm...but i know he's sincere.. he appraised other people as well.. we've got couple of sales lately.. am still in the learning curve... for those who don't know.. i am currently working with a company which sells vehicle tracking systems... you may refer here if you would like to know more.. well.. the website have not been updated for a very long time.. so mind that ok...
20th March - Birthday of Prophet Muhammad
Today is a holiday for us.. well.. after watch some parade over the tv.. we decided to go for washing machine hunting.. heheh. .our washer broke down and cannot be repair.. well..can.. but at a high cost.. so might as well get a new one.. so we off to The Curve.. apparently over there, one of the electronics company have a 'relocate sale'.. still a bit pricey though... and we spent more than we budgetted not on the washer but on our lunch... we had lunch at Secret Recipe.. but Anisah refuse to eat.. she wanted cake instead.. but she wanted a whole cakes.. so after a handful of argument with her.. she agreed to eat cupcakes at nearby cupcakes store.. and the cupcakes were expensive.. RM4.50 each. hehh.. not worth it at all.. then she decided she wanted to have an ice-cream.. being a strict mother i am normally will say NO... but somehow.. yesterday i decided to give her a nod.. there we go spend another ringgit at Baskin Robbin.. and we discover this one cool restaurant... Mache.. (yelar aku tau korang suma dah tau.. aku ni kan jakun sket!).. we will try the place later... without the kids..
oo.. back to washer hunting.. we straight to Kepong after that.. for a warehouse sale.. and we managed to get a front load washer for half of the market price.. good deal huh!!!.. so now i don't have to go to the laundry anymore. heheh.. only that.. who can lend us their 4 wheel so we can take our machine??
i have pictures to upload.. the kids pictures.. but i have no time.. busy baca politik issue.. how aaa??
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Past and Present
Sebelum caza ngan nana bising kat aku lagi.. so baik aku cepat2 update.. hahahah...
13th of February, Navi & Map Sdn Bhd.
My last day. It went quite smooth although I still have to train Napi and Akil on that very last day. But sorry guys the training was not completed. It is not easy to do what I had to do. Again, I cursed my very stupid Senior Manager (or whatever he wanted to be called) in front of my HR. So she recorded everything I said. Well, I have nothing to lose. So just say it out right. I did not have a chance to meet my COO since he was not in the office that day. I really wanted to meet him. Well, I will email him sometime later. By 6 o'clock, it was time to say goodbye to everybody. I was in a happy mood. I pity whoever still there. I wish all of them luck. I learnt a lot while I was in that company. Although most of my experience were not that nice. But I think the whole experience give me a new thoughts of what I want to do in the future. Well, I cannot say that now since it is still under plan. Once it is done, insya allah I will announce it. But don't expected much in this few days or months
13th - 17th of February, Trip to Johor Bahru
Leave the office, went straight home to Johor Bahru with the whole family. The traffic was good since it is a normal working days. I went to my old office, met my colleague and my old boss, managed to almost sell out my Little Trees, went to my colleague's house which the landscape is very nice. Anisah got to play golf while we went there. Managed to do some shopping for myself and Ardi. Sorry kids not your shopping day. Met Ardi's cousin to get some new gossip. Went to Singapore to meet my grandmother who is not really well but have to go to Brunei due to some people inconsiderate decision. How wish life is always like this. Not having to worry about your liabilities and all that. Hahahahah.. I can only wish.
18th of February, Intelli-Telematicsasia Sdn Bhd.
First day in the new company. Well, can't say much yet. I try to hang on as long as I can. But we had an exhibition from 21st to 23rd February in PWTC. My duty is on the last day which is Saturday. Well according to my AGM, Overtime is not needed unless really necessary. And I tend to believe him since he told me he's a family man not a career man. Great! At least we have that similiarities. ahhaha... So we'll see how it is going...
Till then.. ardi is outstation for the 2nd time since 5 days ago. He went to Kuantan on Wednesday and went home very late on Friday. And today he is going to Labuan until this Tuesday. Apparently, when daddy is not at home, everybody else tend to not being themselves. They drive mummy crazy. Arghhhhh
13th of February, Navi & Map Sdn Bhd.
My last day. It went quite smooth although I still have to train Napi and Akil on that very last day. But sorry guys the training was not completed. It is not easy to do what I had to do. Again, I cursed my very stupid Senior Manager (or whatever he wanted to be called) in front of my HR. So she recorded everything I said. Well, I have nothing to lose. So just say it out right. I did not have a chance to meet my COO since he was not in the office that day. I really wanted to meet him. Well, I will email him sometime later. By 6 o'clock, it was time to say goodbye to everybody. I was in a happy mood. I pity whoever still there. I wish all of them luck. I learnt a lot while I was in that company. Although most of my experience were not that nice. But I think the whole experience give me a new thoughts of what I want to do in the future. Well, I cannot say that now since it is still under plan. Once it is done, insya allah I will announce it. But don't expected much in this few days or months
13th - 17th of February, Trip to Johor Bahru
Leave the office, went straight home to Johor Bahru with the whole family. The traffic was good since it is a normal working days. I went to my old office, met my colleague and my old boss, managed to almost sell out my Little Trees, went to my colleague's house which the landscape is very nice. Anisah got to play golf while we went there. Managed to do some shopping for myself and Ardi. Sorry kids not your shopping day. Met Ardi's cousin to get some new gossip. Went to Singapore to meet my grandmother who is not really well but have to go to Brunei due to some people inconsiderate decision. How wish life is always like this. Not having to worry about your liabilities and all that. Hahahahah.. I can only wish.
18th of February, Intelli-Telematicsasia Sdn Bhd.
First day in the new company. Well, can't say much yet. I try to hang on as long as I can. But we had an exhibition from 21st to 23rd February in PWTC. My duty is on the last day which is Saturday. Well according to my AGM, Overtime is not needed unless really necessary. And I tend to believe him since he told me he's a family man not a career man. Great! At least we have that similiarities. ahhaha... So we'll see how it is going...
Till then.. ardi is outstation for the 2nd time since 5 days ago. He went to Kuantan on Wednesday and went home very late on Friday. And today he is going to Labuan until this Tuesday. Apparently, when daddy is not at home, everybody else tend to not being themselves. They drive mummy crazy. Arghhhhh
Monday, February 11, 2008
McDonald's di Banting
Aku tak puas hati.. skrang ada McD kat Banting. Apsal masa aku kat sana takde McD tu. Bebalik makan KFC. Pastu dah lar tu ada Tesco lar ada Mall lagi.. arghhh.. sama lar cam nasib aku masa kat Kuantan dulu..
oo.. Did I mention the McD is a drive-thru.. arghhhhhhh
p/s: oops.. since nana asked.. aku gi banting ari sabtu ari tu.. ada orang kawin di sana
oo.. Did I mention the McD is a drive-thru.. arghhhhhhh
p/s: oops.. since nana asked.. aku gi banting ari sabtu ari tu.. ada orang kawin di sana
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Mummy.. Can I be a photographer??
4th Birthday Party
I celebrated my birthday at my school "Tadika Cahaya Kasih". She wants me to celebrate it with my friends. She bought me cupcakes from Mama Chak Recipe (indirectly recommended by Nana thru Aliah's bidthday party). The cupcakes were really yummy. My friends really love it. Only few lefts for mummy, daddy, wan ma and tok ibu.
Usually the babies (below 2 years old) will not join the party. But since it is my birthday, Adik got special invitation from me. But Adik look so confused. Kenapa adik??? Maybe he wants to blow the candles too. Tapi adik.. ni kan birthday kakak!!
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Cerita Hari Selasa - 29 January 2008
Story 1
I am clumsy and careless. I know that for a long time. But it seems like it doesn't want to go away. And it happened again last Tuesday.
I was already late to work. But I still need to grab something (my Little Trees Business) from the back of my car since some of my 'clients' want their order. So being me, I opened the back trunk, locked the main door, and throw the keys on the back dashboard and shut the trunk. Only to realize that I left the car keys in the car when I was about to go home. Since my colleague also failed to help me to open the door the way the criminal always do. hahah.. So I ended up taking the bus to Taipan to meet Ardi to get the spare keys. The saddest thing, my daughter asked me this (when we picked her up), "Macam mana mummy boleh tertinggal kunci dalam kereta?" My almost 4-year old asked me this. errmm... I can only said, "Entah lar mummy pun tak tau!"
Story 2
I bathed Anisah yesterday morning before she's going to school. All the sudden she told me this. "Kesian kan mummy aliah tu (err.. sorry na! she did mention aliah's name). Kena duduk je kat bawah.. kaki dia darah.. pastu kepala dia kena kuarkan air kan mummy kan.. pastu rambut dia kena potong pastu ada plaster kat kepala dia kan.. sian baby aliah tu kan!" Err... she actually referred to Ina and baby Dania. I was so amazed she told me this since I think I told her about Ina's sickness when we visited Ina at SJMC few weeks back. So I am amazed.
Story 3
I always asked Anisah what she learns in school. I asked her almost every day. Ooo by the way, we sent her to a new school Tadika Al-Husni which is an Islamic Kindergarten and the preferred language is English. The subject includes Iqra', Malay, English, Jawi, Mental Arithmetic, Thematic, Solat and they have Gardening. Back to the actual story. So I asked her what she learns in school, she always said "Emmm takde buat apa-apa.. kita duduk-duduk je.." So Ardi and me was very furious. So on Tuesday morning, when we sent her to school, I accidentally met her teacher. And her teacher told us that "Anisah ni pernah sekolah ke? Semua dia tau.. Boleh masuk 5 year old nye class ni.. sebab dia bijak semua dia tau.." So as a mother, I smile the whole day. I am a proud mother!!
I am clumsy and careless. I know that for a long time. But it seems like it doesn't want to go away. And it happened again last Tuesday.
I was already late to work. But I still need to grab something (my Little Trees Business) from the back of my car since some of my 'clients' want their order. So being me, I opened the back trunk, locked the main door, and throw the keys on the back dashboard and shut the trunk. Only to realize that I left the car keys in the car when I was about to go home. Since my colleague also failed to help me to open the door the way the criminal always do. hahah.. So I ended up taking the bus to Taipan to meet Ardi to get the spare keys. The saddest thing, my daughter asked me this (when we picked her up), "Macam mana mummy boleh tertinggal kunci dalam kereta?" My almost 4-year old asked me this. errmm... I can only said, "Entah lar mummy pun tak tau!"
Story 2
I bathed Anisah yesterday morning before she's going to school. All the sudden she told me this. "Kesian kan mummy aliah tu (err.. sorry na! she did mention aliah's name). Kena duduk je kat bawah.. kaki dia darah.. pastu kepala dia kena kuarkan air kan mummy kan.. pastu rambut dia kena potong pastu ada plaster kat kepala dia kan.. sian baby aliah tu kan!" Err... she actually referred to Ina and baby Dania. I was so amazed she told me this since I think I told her about Ina's sickness when we visited Ina at SJMC few weeks back. So I am amazed.
Story 3
I always asked Anisah what she learns in school. I asked her almost every day. Ooo by the way, we sent her to a new school Tadika Al-Husni which is an Islamic Kindergarten and the preferred language is English. The subject includes Iqra', Malay, English, Jawi, Mental Arithmetic, Thematic, Solat and they have Gardening. Back to the actual story. So I asked her what she learns in school, she always said "Emmm takde buat apa-apa.. kita duduk-duduk je.." So Ardi and me was very furious. So on Tuesday morning, when we sent her to school, I accidentally met her teacher. And her teacher told us that "Anisah ni pernah sekolah ke? Semua dia tau.. Boleh masuk 5 year old nye class ni.. sebab dia bijak semua dia tau.." So as a mother, I smile the whole day. I am a proud mother!!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Comeback?? Are you sure??
I love to read my friend's blog. I also love it my friends read my blog. But do I really have time to do this???
Dear friends,
Maybe you guys no longer hope in my blogs anymore since my long silence. This is my latest updates.
1) Anisah is going to be 4 next month
2) Amil just turned 2 last month
3) I am changing my job again
4) Ardi is also changing his job
5) We are in the process of buying a new house
6) I am planning for our number 3
7) My grandma is not well
8) I have facebook and friendster under "KAY ABAS"
My vision for 2008
1) I am trying to diversify my investments.
2) More 'religious'
3) No or less " Cuti-cuti Malaysia" this year.. we had a lot last year
4) Rebuild my relationships with people around me
5) Be more nice towards others
6) Searching my old friends
7) Save more
I will try the best I can to continue write or type in this blog. I am not advanced as you all there. So much for being an IT person (never regard myself as one though!).
But I try.
Dear friends,
Maybe you guys no longer hope in my blogs anymore since my long silence. This is my latest updates.
1) Anisah is going to be 4 next month
2) Amil just turned 2 last month
3) I am changing my job again
4) Ardi is also changing his job
5) We are in the process of buying a new house
6) I am planning for our number 3
7) My grandma is not well
8) I have facebook and friendster under "KAY ABAS"
My vision for 2008
1) I am trying to diversify my investments.
2) More 'religious'
3) No or less " Cuti-cuti Malaysia" this year.. we had a lot last year
4) Rebuild my relationships with people around me
5) Be more nice towards others
6) Searching my old friends
7) Save more
I will try the best I can to continue write or type in this blog. I am not advanced as you all there. So much for being an IT person (never regard myself as one though!).
But I try.
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